The API Agent Sync Problem

How many times a day do you check your email on your phone? For 85% of us, checking email on mobile is the default. It's simple and easy.

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Confused About Cyber Insurance? We Have Answers

Cyber insurance premiums have risen exponentially.

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API-Based Competitors Have the Same Two Flaws. We Solved It Years Ago.

Avanan created the API-based email security field in 2015.

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The Dangerous Savanna Campaign is Making Waves

Check Point Research has uncovered a two-year-long campaign that is still going and making waves. The campaign starts by using spear-phishing and then sends maliciou...

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Leveraging Facebook Ads to Send Credential Harvesting Links

Eight million businesses advertise their products on Facebook.

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New Phishing Campaign Spoofs Avanan

Spoofing brands is a common form of phishing.

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The Piano Giveaway Scam

Everybody loves a giveaway.

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Why You Need DMARC and DKIM...And Much More Besides

DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication Reporting and Conformance) lets organizations know that the sender has permission to send from an email server.

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Here's the Truth About How We Actually Operate

There are dozens of API-based email security vendors on the market. It’s a competitive market, and we’re always confident that our solution will win out. We know for...

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Cyber Hygiene is Generally Poor, Cyber Attacks Generally Common

Just 3% of global security leaders rate their cyber hygiene as "Excellent," according to a new report. It's no surprise, then, that 75% of those surveyed in the same...

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