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Pizza and Phishing: Who Secures the Inbox Best? An Analysis of 3 Million Emails

Wednesday, May 3rd   |   10:00-10:30 AM Pacific

Incentive: Ooni Pizza Oven giveaway

Email is the number one cause of all cyber breaches. Yet, today's anti-phishing solutions haven't proven up to the task. As hackers step up their game, so too must email security.

Recently, Check Point analyzed three million emails to understand how Microsoft Defender, and others, fare against the most sophisticated phishing threats. We'll showcase the results of our email security analysis and discuss key steps to protect your inbox from tomorrow’s phishing attempts.

Ooni Pizza Oven V2

As a thank-you for attending, we're going to give away an Ooni Pizza Oven to one lucky attendee. Great for making your own pizza creations with colleagues!


Chris Rouch Six Degrees HeadshotChris Rouch
Founder & VP Sales
Six Degrees Consulting

Michael Hansen Headshot Square

Michael Hansen
Sr. Solutions Engineer
Check Point

* If the Ooni Pizza Oven winner resides in a country that the Ooni Pizza Oven cannot be shipped, we will provide a gift card of equal value.

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